Sol Seeker - Mexiko, Yucatan, Belize und Guatemala Belize · Guatemala · Mexiko

Sol Seeker - Mexiko, Yucatan, Belize und Guatemala

Verfolge die Sonne durch drei wunderschöne Länder, auf der Suche nach Stränden, Nationalparks und alten Ruinen

  • Karibiksonne, farbenprächtige Riffe, antike Ruinen & koloniale Städte
  • Weltmetropole Mexico City
  • Sagenumwobene Ruinen von Chichen Itza
  • Sonnenbaden, Schnorcheln und Feiern in Cancun
  • Entspanntes Karibikflair auf Caye Caulker
  • Dschungelfeeling & Sonnenaufgang in Tikal
  • Malerische Kolonialstadt Antigua
  • Überblick
  • Leistungen
  • Reiseverlauf
  • Termine & Preise
  • Zusatzinformationen

13 Tage Belize · Guatemala · Mexiko

18 bis 35 Strand Archäologische Stätten ab 3.173 € Anfragen oder buchen


Sonnenanbeter dürfen sich freuen! Herrliche Strände, Nationalparks, uralte Ruinen - und natürlich unvergessliche Erlebnisse warten auf euch auf dieser Reise für junge Leute durch Mexiko, Belize und Guatemala. Die Vitamin D-Speicher voll aufladen und nebenbei die einzigartige Kultur der verschiedenen Regionen erkunden, Erholung pur für Körper und Seele.

1. Tag: Mexico City - Oaxaca
2. Tag: Oaxaca
3. Tag: Oaxaca - Merida
4. Tag: Merida - Cancun
5. Tag: Cancun
6. Tag: Cancun - Playa del Carmen
7. Tag: Playa del Carmen - Caye Caulker
8. Tag: Caye Caulker
9. Tag: Caye Caulker
10. Tag: Caye Caulker - Tikal
11. Tag: Tikal - Antigua
12. Tag: Antigua
13. Tag: Antigua

Leistungen enthalten

  • Mittelamerika Rundreise gemäß Programm
  • Unterkünfte und Mahlzeiten gemäß Programm
  • Transport im klimatisierten Reisebus
  • Ausflüge, Aktivitäten und Besichtigungen gemäß Reiseverlauf
  • Flug von Oaxaca nach Merida
  • Stadtrundgang Merida
  • Eintrittsgebühr und Führung in Chichen Itza
  • Schwimmen in einer Cenote
  • Führung durch die Tempel der Mayastätte Tikal
  • Geführter Spaziergang durch Antigua
  • Guatemaltekisches Festessen
  • Bootstour zu Sonnenuntergang auf Caye Caulker

Leistungen nicht enthalten

  • Nicht genannte Mahlzeiten und Getränke
  • Optionale Ausflüge und Aktivitäten
  • Persönliche Ausgaben, Trinkgelder


9x Mittelklasse-Hotel
2x Hostel
1x Standard-Hotel
Die Unterbringung erfolgt in Doppelzimmern. Alleinreisende teilen sich das Zimmer mit Mitreisenden des gleichen Geschlechts. Auf Wunsch ist gegen Aufpreis auch die Unterbringung im Einzelzimmer möglich. Aufpreis bitte bei uns anfragen.


12x Frühstück, 4x Abendessen


Erfahrener englischsprachiger Reiseleiter und Fahrer


Fähre, Reisebus, Boot, Flugzeug

Zusätzliche Übernachtungen

Bitte kontaktiere uns - wir beraten dich gerne!


Bitte kontaktiere uns - wir beraten dich gerne!

1. Tag: Mexico City - Oaxaca

Meeting your fellow travellers this morning, you'll be setting off for Oaxaca (pronounced Wa-ha-ka)! Have you got it? Great - let's hit the road.

Welcome to Oaxaca, with its bohemian bars, charming colonial buildings and ridiculously pretty churches. Commonly known as the gastronomical capital of Mexico, the food here is guaranteed to guac your world. The perfect drink to wash it all down? Mezcal, of course.

Unterkunft: Oaxaca Real (oder ähnlich)

2. Tag: Oaxaca

Today, you're going to soak up some serious Oaxaca vibes with a guided city tour where you'll get to check out the local markets. The colourful city streets are going to be the perfect place for some Insta shots, and if you can be dragged away from the views for long enough, there's plenty of delicacies to try during your free night.

Unterkunft: Hostel

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

3. Tag: Oaxaca - Merida

Oaxaca - Adios Oaxaca, Merida is calling our names! And we won't waste any time, hopping on an included flight to whiz us there without delay.

As gentle as it is beautiful, Merida will take you in its arms and show you the quieter side of Mexico. A walking tour will take you down twisting cobbled streets through grand plazas, showing off this small town’s quaint vibes and chilled atmosphere. When we reach the old town you'll have some free time to explore the bustling markets, where you'll find countless treasures to take home. Later, ask your Trip Manager for the best place to head to feast on Yucatan specialities. After you've stuffed yourself with the local delicacies, it's time for your blissful slumber. Tomorrow we're headed to Cancun.

Unterkunft: Hotel Caribe (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

4. Tag: Merida - Cancun

Pack up your swag of Mexican trinkets and say goodbye to the calm oasis of Merida and hello yet another incredible UNESCO World Heritage-listed site: Chichen Itza.

Chichen Itza
These ancient ruins are the most famous and best preserved of their kind in Mayan history. With our Local Guide leading the charge, Chichen Itza will provoke questions about the Mayan calendar, the positioning of the sun, the connections of the ruins around the country, and the worlds that came before us - a truly special spot on the trip and a history buff's delight. With more knowledge than you'll know what to do with, it's time for a change of scene, and a dip in an Insta-worthy cenote. These underground lakes or waterholes the perfect way to beat the Mexican heat.

In stark contrast, next up is Mexico’s super resort – Cancun. With high energy vibes this stop is a no brainer when it comes to getting your fiesta on. One suggestion for tonight's dinner at the Mercado 28, a busy market serving true Mexican delights.

Enthaltene Aktivitäten:
Guided tour of Chichén Itzá
Swim in a cenote at Chichén Itzá

Unterkunft: Holiday Inn Cancun Arenas (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

5. Tag: Cancun

Just in case you don't know the drill by now, an ice cold cerveza should remind you that Cancun is a hub of fiery entertainment. But this place isn't just about the party vibes. Powdery sand beaches, endlessly swimmable waters and laid-back taco joints have everything you need, no matter your mood. Your Trip Manager knows this place like the back of their hand, so you're guaranteed to be in the know on all the best spots to head this evening.

Enthaltene Aktivitäten:
Sunset beach dinner

Unterkunft: Holiday Inn Cancun Arenas (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Abendessen

6. Tag: Cancun - Playa del Carmen

Get ready for your next adventure this morning as we're heading to the beautiful shores of Playa del Carmen. A bit of retail therapy never hurt anyone, so how about a stroll down Paseo del Carmen shopping centre to spend some pesos?

You'll fall head over heels for this sun-kissed seashore town. For the food addicts amongst you, a plethora of seaside bars and restaurants are here to blow your mind with their delicious cocktails and local recipes.

Unterkunft: Wyndham Garden Playa del Carmen (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

7. Tag: Playa del Carmen - Caye Caulker

Mexico, you've stolen a slice of our hearts forever but with Belize & the Caribbean Island of Caye Caulker on the horizon, we're not feeling too sad...

Caye Caulker
Hello heaven. Rub your eyes, blink and blink again - yes this pinch-yourself tropical paradise truly is real, This evening is all about enjoying the last dregs of sunshine, sampling fresh seafood and getting down to some reggae rhythms...

Unterkunft: Tropical Paradise Hotel and Restaurant (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Abendessen

8. Tag: Caye Caulker

You’ll need a big breakfast today because you're free to do whatever you want, which could mean a whole lot of exploring. Belize has a spectacular Barrier Reef that's just begging to be discovered, so grab a snorkel and get out there. Back on land, it's all about sandy streets flanked by palm trees and dotted with cafes and bars lined with colourful hammocks, painted tables and the most laid-back vibes we know. You'll be begging to stay longer. And your wish is our command.

Optional Activities:
Kayak the crystalline Caribbean USD30.50
Barrier Reef Dive USD215
Snorkel the Belize Barrier Reef USD65
Sunset Sail

Unterkunft: Tropical Paradise Hotel and Restaurant (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

9. Tag: Caye Caulker

Another free day to soak up the vibes of this beautiful city, and spend some more time in the water. Snorkel, siesta, or sip something sweet as you watch the golden sunset over the shimmering waters. Bliss.

Enthaltene Aktivitäten:
sail at sunset

Unterkunft: Tropical Paradise Hotel and Restaurant (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

10. Tag: Caye Caulker - Tikal

Water taxis will whizz us back to the mainland across the glorious underwater playground you've become so well acquainted with over the last few days, landing us back in the arms of Belize City.

It’s a super swift passing by of the beloved Belize City before we take to the road to journey across the border into yet another stunning country: Guatemala.

This leg of the trip will see you travel overland through Guatemala’s Peten forests. This afternoon before we drop anchor at our hotel, you could zoom around the treetops like a monkey but securely attached on a zipline of course! Later on you will doze off to the tranquil sounds of the nature all around you, but in a comfy bed with all the amenities you need.

Enthaltene Aktivitäten:
Stay in Tikal National Park

Unterkunft: Hotel Tikal Inn (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Abendessen

11. Tag: Tikal - Antigua

Rise early today to watch the sun stretch over the the top of the Mayan ruin Templo IV. Not a bad way to start the day, hey?

We'll then take a guided tour of the crumbling ruins before a trip to the island of Flores, where we'll have lunch and time for shopping before flying this afternoon to Guatemala's capital city and then on to beautiful Antigua.

This place isn't just about the dreamy scenery - there's plenty of history to soak up too. You'll notice colorful rooftop gardens dotted amongst the crumbling colonial buildings and you'll hear the clip clop of the horse drawn carriages that are still a favoured form of transport today. Start with a tour with our guide to learn about the local architecture, tiny squares, and fountains. You'll be glad to know there are two peaceful nights planned here in the old colonial town set right beneath two massive volcanoes.

Enthaltene Aktivitäten:
Locally guided tour of Tikal National Park
Locally Guided Sightseeing tour of Colonial Antigua

Unterkunft: Hotel Las Farolas (oder ähnlich)

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

12. Tag: Antigua

Don your explorers cap today and head off for some ME time, the day is in your hands. Being able to choose your own adventure today could take you up Pacaya Volcano on a guided hike. If you’d rather produce those endorphins by making (and eating) your own chocolate, then that is also a rather delicious option where you'll learn about the process from start to end and take home the results of your efforts. Bike rides, coffee plantations, there's more to do that you can imagine. Guatemalan delights tonight? Yes please. We'll get local over chiles rellanos (or peppers stuffed to the brim with vegetables, meat and sauces). You're sure to hear a collective mmmm.

Optional Acitivities:
Hike the Pacaya Volcano from USD65
Make your own chocolates from locally-sourced cacao USD23
Bike Ride and Plantation USD50
Ride a horse drawn carriage through World Heritage Antigua

Enthaltene Aktivitäten:
Guatemalan feast

Unterkunft: Hostel

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Abendessen

13. Tag: Antigua

Morning global roamers, we came, we saw, we sizzled. We'll fuel up on one last breakfast together, then it's time to wipe away the tears and do those final friend requests because today you're homeward bound with firm plans in full steam for a Contiki 2.0 reunion in Asia. See you next time!

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

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Contiki bietet ideale Touren für alle von 18-35 Jahren. Urlaub wie wir ihn mögen: "Abenteuer, Spaß & Flexibilität" sind unser Motto. Weil wir eine internationale Gruppe Gleichgesinnter sind, teilen wir eine Sprache: Englisch. Daher ist es notwendig, sich wenigstens einigermaßen in Englisch zu verständigen. Wir reisen in modernen Reisebussen und wohnen in ausgesuchten Hotels und landestypischen Unterkünften. Contiki Holidays bietet unzählige Freizeitbeschäftigungen und ein volles Gruppenprogramm. Weil wir aber wissen, dass jeder auch seine eigene Freiheit braucht, bleibt viel Zeit für eigene Erkundungen, um die Dinge aus eigenem Blickwinkel zu entdecken.

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