Erlebnis Afrika - Von Kenia nach Kapstadt Malawi · Tansania · Kenia  U.A.

Erlebnis Afrika - Von Kenia nach Kapstadt

Tierbegegnungen, Traumstrände & Tafelberg - Afrika at its best!

  • Safari in der Masai Mara
  • Auf Pirschfahrten im Serengeti Nationalpark
  • "Big 5" im Ngorongoro Krater beobachten
  • Besuch eines Massai-Dorfes im Great Rift Valley
  • Sonne, Strand und Meer auf der Gewürzinsel Sansibar
  • Mikumi Nationalpark
  • Entspannung & Freizeit am herrlichen Lake Malawi
  • Naturwunder Victoria Wasserfälle
  • Pirschfahrt und Bootsafari im tierreichen Chobe Nationalpark
  • Entdecke zu Fuß & per Mokoro die Wildnis des Okavango Deltas
  • Naturwanderung mit den Buschmännern der Kalahari
  • Tierwelt des Etosha Nationalpark
  • Spitzkoppe - Bizarre Felsformationen und antike Felsmalereien
  • Freizeitaktivitäten in der Küstenstadt Swakopmund
  • Höchste Sanddünen der Welt in der Namib
  • Spektakuläre Ausblicke am Fish River Canyon
  • Traumstadt Kapstadt
  • Überblick
  • Leistungen
  • Reiseverlauf
  • Termine & Preise
  • Zusatzinformationen

43 Tage Malawi · Tansania · Kenia · Sambia · Botsuana · Namibia · Südafrika

Safari Wüste Strand ab 5.921 € %-Aktion zzgl. 1.240 $ (ca. 1.147 €)
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Von Nairobi nach Kapstadt - Erlebe Afrika at its best! Packt Euren Rucksack und begebt Euch auf ein fantastisches Afrika-Abenteuer bei dieser umfassenden Overlandtour von Kenia nach Südafrika. Afrika hat so viel zu bieten: unzählige Wildtiere, einzigartige Landschaften, faszinierende Kulturen und weiße Sandstrände. Erlebt die Höhepunkte des östlichen und südlichen Afrika: der eindrucksvolle Fish River Canyon, den Tierreichtum des Etosha Nationalparks, die imposanten Sanddünen von Sossusvlei, das einzigartige Okavango Delta, die atemberaubenden Victoria Fällen, der tropische Malawi See, die weißen Strände der exotischen Insel Sansibar, die tierreichen Ebenen der Serengeti, das Tierparadies Ngorongoro Krater - das sind nur einige Highlights dieser traumhaften Abenteuertour durch das Herz Afrikas.

1. Tag: Nairobi - Maasai Mara Reservat
2. Tag: Maasai Mara Reservat
3. Tag: Maasai Mara Reservat - Nairobi
4. Tag: Nairobi - Arusha, Tansania
5. Tag: Arusha - Serengeti Nationalpark
6. Tag: Ngorongoro Krater
7. Tag: Ngorongoro Crater - Arusha, Meserani Snake Park
8. Tag: Arusha - Bagamoyo
9. Tag: Bagamoyo - Dar es Salaam
10. Tag: Sansibar
11. Tag: Sansibar
12. Tag: Sansibar
13. Tag: Sansibar - Dar es Salaam
14. Tag: Dar es Salaam - Mikumi Nationalpark Gebiet
15. Tag: Mikumi - Iringa
16. Tag: Iringa - Chitimba Beach, Malawi
17. Tag: Chitimba Beach
18. Tag: Kande Beach
19. Tag: Kande Beach
20. Tag: Kande Beach - Chipata, Zambia
21. Tag: Chipata - Lusaka
22. Tag: Lusaka - Livingstone
23. Tag: Livingstone, Sambia
24. Tag: Livingstone
25. Tag: Livingstone
26. Tag: Livingstone - Kasane, Botswana
27. Tag: Chobe Nationalpark - Elephant Sands, Nata
28. Tag: Elephant Sands, Nata - Maun
29. Tag: Okavango Delta
30. Tag: Okavango Delta - Maun
31. Tag: Maun - Omaheke Region
32. Tag: Omaheke Region - Windhoek, Namibia
33. Tag: Windhoek - Etosha Nationalpark
34. Tag: Etosha Nationalpark
35. Tag: Etosha Nationalpark - Spitzkoppe
36. Tag: Spitzkoppe - Swakopmund
37. Tag: Swakopmund
38. Tag: Swakopmund - Sossus on foot Camp
39. Tag: Sossus on foot Camp - Sesriem Area
40. Tag: Sesriem Area - Fish River Canyon
41. Tag: Fish River Canyon - Orange (Gariep) River, South Africa
42. Tag: Orange (Gariep) River - Cederberg Region
43. Tag: Cederberg Region - Kapstadt

Leistungen enthalten

  • Afrika Overlandtour gemäß Programm
  • Transport im speziellen Safari-/Overlandtruck
  • Unterkünfte und Mahlzeiten gemäß Programm
  • Komplette Camping- und Kochausrüstung (außer Schlafsack)
  • Ausflüge, Aktivitäten und Besichtigungen gemäß Reiseverlauf
  • Masai Mara Safari
  • Maasai Dorfrundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Serengeti & Ngorongoro Krater Safari
  • Fährüberfahrt zur/von der Insel Sansibar
  • Besuch der Victoria Falls
  • Chobe Nationalpark: Bootstour und Pirschfahrt
  • 2-tägige Okavango Delta Exkursion mit Mokoro und Wandersafari mit lokalem Guide
  • Kalahari Bushman Walk
  • Pirschfahrten im Etosha Nationalpark
  • Spitzkoppe Felsmalereien
  • 4x4 Transfer nach Sossusvlei
  • Besuch des Sesriem Canyon
  • Aufstieg auf die Düne 45

Leistungen nicht enthalten

  • Nicht genannte Mahlzeiten und Getränke
  • Flughafentransfers
  • Optionale Ausflüge und Aktivitäten
  • Persönliche Ausgaben, Trinkgelder


2x Festinstalliertes Zelt
32x Campingplatz
2x Buschcamp
3x Mittelklasse-Hotel
2x Chalet / Bungalow
1x Zelt-Lodge
Die Übernachtung auf den Campingplätzen erfolgt in großen 2-Personen-Kuppelzelten mit Überzelt, eingenähtem Boden, Eingang mit Insektenschutzgitter und Schaumstoffmatratzen. Wir verwenden hauptsächlich Campingplätze, die in der Regel vernünftige Wasch-und Duschmöglichkeiten, Strom und möglichst auch einen kleinen Laden, Bar und Swimmingpool bieten. Die Austattung der Campingplätze ist unterschiedlich und hängt von der besuchten Region ab.

Die Unterbringung in Swakopmund und auf Sansibar erfolgt in Mehrbettzimmern.


42x Frühstück, 33x Mittagessen, 32x Abendessen
Das Kochen wird zusammen vom Tourguide und den Teilnehmern übernommen. Es sind 3 herzhafte Mahlzeiten pro Tag mit eingeschlossen (sofern nicht anders angegeben). Der Guide vollbringt wahre Wunder auf dem Campingkocher! Jeder Teilnehmer hilft bei der Zubereitung der Mahlzeit mit. Vegetarier können problemlos verköstigt werden und werden von unseren Kochkünsten begeistert sein. Bei Bedarf können spezielle Ernährungs- und Diätanforderungen berücksichtigt werden. Diese sollten jedoch frühzeitig angemeldet werden.


2 erfahrene englischsprachige Tourbegleiter (geschulter Fahrer und Reiseleiter)


Overland-Truck, Fähre, Boot, Einbaumboot (Mokoro)

Zusätzliche Übernachtungen

Boulevard Hotel
Verpflegung: Frühstück
Doppelzimmer: 56 EUR p.P.
Einzelzimmer: 85 EUR

Ashanti Lodge Gardens
Verpflegung: Frühstück
Doppelzimmer: 44 EUR p.P.
Einzelzimmer: 61 EUR
Mehrbettzimmer: 31 EUR
Die Zimmer teilen sich gemeinschaftliche sanitäre Einrichtungen.

Ashanti Lodge Guest House
Verpflegung: Frühstück
Doppelzimmer mit privatem Bad: 54 EUR

Bitte beachte, dass sich die Preise jederzeit ändern können.


40 EUR p.P.

28 EUR p.P.

Bitte beachte, dass sich die Preise jederzeit ändern können.

Optionale Ausflüge / Zusatzleistungen

Kamelritt USD5

Gewürztour USD35
Schnorcheltagestrip USD40
Arabisches Fort USD5
Palastmuseum USD10
Tauchgang USD130
Dhow Schnorcheltour ab USD40
Massagen ab USD20
Ehemaliger Sklavenmarkt USD10

Mikumi Nationalpark
Pirschfahrt USD150

Weinverkostung USD10
Kanumiete USD40

Reiten USD50
Dorfspaziergang USD10
Tageswanderung Livingstonia USD10
Schnorcheltagesausflug ab USD15
Tauchgänge ab USD45
Kanumiete ab USD10

Bungee Jumping USD160
Mosi Oa Tunya Nationalpark Fußpirsch USD110
Chief Mukumi Village Tour USD50
Gorge Swing USD95
Jetbootfahrt auf dem Zambezi und Seilbahn ab USD215
Halbtägige Kanutour USD115
Zambezi Sunset Cruise USD70
White Water Raftingtour (ganztägig) USD180
Helikopter/ Ultraleichtflug ab USD195
Halbtägige Angeltour USD145
Bridge-Tour USD65

Okavango Delta
Rundflug über das Delta (5-Sitzer-Flugzeug, 45 min) ab USD560
Reiten in Maun (2 Std.) USD65

Traditionelle Tänze USD15

Sandboarding USD40-50
Quad Biking USD45
Skydiving USD200
Tiefseeangeln USD120
Rundflug USD360
Swakopmund Township Tour USD40
Delfin und Seerobben-Bootstour USD60
Kajak fahren USD60

Bitte beachte, dass sich die Preise jederzeit ändern können.

1. Tag: Nairobi - Maasai Mara Reservat

We depart the city early and make our way across the Great Rift Valley to the Maasai Mara National Reserve, enjoying views of the vast vista en route. We travel in small specialized safari vehicles that enable us to have a more intimate view of wildlife. We spend two nights camping on the edge of the Reserve with time to explore the park on morning and afternoon game drives.

Fahrzeit: ca. 5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 300 km

Unterkunft: Maasai Mara Chronicle Tented Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

2. Tag: Maasai Mara Reservat

We have the day to explore the Reserve in search for wildlife including the ‘big 5’ – lion, rhino, elephant, buffalo and leopard.
The sweeping plains, distant horizons, low slung acacia trees, and plentiful wildlife ensure a deeply evocative few days. The ‘Mara’ is crossed every year between July and October by great herds of wildebeest, zebra and other grazing animals in their migration from the adjoining Serengeti plains to the south (in Tanzania). How long they stay is dependent on rainfall and subsequent grass growth in the rainy season. Predators (such as lion, cheetah, leopard) and scavengers (hyena, vultures) follow the grazing animals and this enormous congregation of wildlife forms a spectacular display of Africa’s natural resource. But the Mara is excellent for game viewing at any time of year and regardless of when you can visit we hope to see some, if not all, of Africa’s ‘Big Five’ (elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo and leopard) and an array of other wildlife.
We stop for a lunch before returning to our tented camp for the evening.

Unterkunft: Maasai Mara Chronicle Tented Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

3. Tag: Maasai Mara Reservat - Nairobi

From the Mara we make our way back across the Great Rift Valley to Nairobi, where we overnight. Tonight, you have the opportunity to head out and explore Nairobi’s bustling night life or dine at the famed Carnivore Restaurant.

Fahrzeit: ca. 5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 300 km

Unterkunft: Karen Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

4. Tag: Nairobi - Arusha, Tansania

After crossing the border into Tanzania at the busy Namanga frontier we arrive at our destination, Arusha, in the late afternoon. Situated mid-way between Cape Town and Cairo, this is very much Tanzania’s ‘safari capital’ - a bustling city with colourful markets, shops, vehicles and people, all nestling in the shadow of the brooding Mt Meru (4.556 m).
After exploring the curio markets, we head to our camp just outside Arusha on the open plains to the west of the city. It is from here that we prepare for our two night/three day excursion to the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater.
This afternoon, if time allows, we enjoy a walk to one of the local Maasai villages to enjoy an insight into everyday life and traditions of this colourful culture.

Optional Activities:
Camel Ride USD5

Fahrzeit: ca. 5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 270 km

Unterkunft: Meserani Snake Park

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

5. Tag: Arusha - Serengeti Nationalpark

This morning we transfer to smaller, more ‘game park friendly’ vehicles and drive west across the Great Rift Valley, passing through Mto Wa Mbo (‘mosquito creek’) and enter the Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area. We enter the park and drive around the ‘Crater’s rim and down onto the Serengeti plains. Green after the rains, brown and burnt in the dry, this is home to an enormous variety of grazing animals, predators, and birdlife. Flatter and larger than the Maasai Mara the Serengeti is simply huge - indeed the name derives from the Maasai word Siringitu – ‘the place where the land moves on forever’. We game drive to our designated (but unfenced) campsite for the evening where lion and hyena roam nearby, for an unforgettable experience.

Fahrstrecke: ca. 250 km

Unterkunft: Buschcamp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

6. Tag: Ngorongoro Krater

We drive out of the plains, game driving en route, and after lunch ascend the outer wall of the Ngorongoro Crater. We spend the night camping on the rim (you may need a jacket; it can be cold at night due to the altitude), where wildlife also roams free. At 326 square kilometres, the Ngorongoro is Africa’s largest intact caldera and a World Heritage Site. If the view from the rim (2400 metres above sea level) is spectacular, the site from the Crater floor (some 600 metres below) is equally enjoyable.

Unterkunft: Simba Campsite

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

7. Tag: Ngorongoro Crater - Arusha, Meserani Snake Park

We wake early and descend the steep dirt road of the Ngorongoro Crater for a morning of game driving in this spectacular wildlife haven. All of the large mammals are present except giraffe (which cannot manage the steep slopes leading down onto the Crater floor). After our game drive we ascend to our campsite on the rim for a final view over the Ngorongoro Crater, pack up our camp and have lunch before retracing our steps to Arusha and our campsite at the Meserani Snake Park.

Note: We may enjoy the Maasai walk on this day if we were unable to make this on day 4.

Fahrstrecke: ca. 250 km

Unterkunft: Meserani Snake Park

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

8. Tag: Arusha - Bagamoyo

This morning we wake early and head south via Moshi to Bagamoyo. If the weather is clear we will be afforded a view of the magnificent snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak (5.895 m). The quaint town of Bagamoyo was founded at the end of the 18th century and was one of the most significant trading ports along the East African coast. Our camp for the evening is situated close by to the palm fringed beaches of the Indian Ocean.

Fahrzeit: ca. 11 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 560 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz bei der Firefly Lodge

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

9. Tag: Bagamoyo - Dar es Salaam

Leaving Bagamoyo we make our way south to Dar es Salaam. ‘Dar’ is Tanzania’s main port and is a hub of commerce and industry - a hot, humid and bustling seaport city of high rises, colourful markets and Arab influenced architecture on the coast, accessing one of the most important sea routes in the world. To a majority of travellers, this city is the port of entry to the more exotic island of Zanzibar and other archipelago islands. We set up camp on the beach just outside of the city, take in the balmy Indian Ocean sea breeze, and prepare for our trip to Zanzibar.

Fahrzeit: ca. 2.5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 60 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz am Kipepeo Beach Village

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

10. Tag: Sansibar

Evocative and exotic, Zanzibar conjures up images of idyllic, sandy, palm fringed beaches; romantic winding cobbled alleys and lush tropical forests. You will find all of these here - and an intriguing history. Zanzibar was the base of the great 19th century explorers such as John Hanning Speke, Richard Burton and David Livingstone and once was a major trading centre of spices. Indeed the spice trade here is centuries old: Zanzibarians have traded with the people of the Arabian peninsula for many generations, navigating the ocean in simple dhow sailboats, relying on the annual trade winds for passage. The Arab influence is evident in the architecture and diverse street stall offerings of the capital, Stone Town. This influence can be seen right along the Eastern coast – the Swahili language itself is a result of the mixing of Arab and African languages and cultures over many centuries.

Zanzibar’s other history is not so romantic. The island was also a staging post for slaves bought from the African interior, being held before shipping to slave owners in the Middle East. You can still see the places where these men and woman were held - and even a short visit is enough to convey the appalling conditions they had to endure.

Our time on the island over the next 3 nights is not structured and your time is at leisure. Perhaps the best way to see Stone Town is on foot: explore the bazaars for old maritime trinkets, fabrics and wooden carvings, or visit mosques, palaces, courtyards and alleyways of the old town. Spices are grown in plantations nearby and you can take day tours to visit some and have your senses dazzled by the tastes and scents experienced. If it’s white sand, sparkling ocean and hot sun you prefer - head to the northern beaches and enjoy the Indian Ocean at its best. Try snorkelling and diving, indulge in some sumptuous seafood, or simply relax beneath a coconut palm with a cocktail and a good book.

Note: As we leave the truck on the mainland, basic tourist class accommodation (B&B) is included in the tour price but for the sake of flexibility other meals are left for your own account. Typically we spend one night in Stone Town and the next two nights in the north of the island at one of the beaches. Your tour leader will be available to assist if you if you have any questions or need activities arranged.

Please note that some group members may be starting their tour in Dar es Salaam.  Both old and new are invited to join in any group outings.

Optional Activities:
Spice Tour USD35
Slave Markets USD15
Arabic Fort USD5
Palace Museum USD10

Unterkunft: Mazson's Hotel

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

11. Tag: Sansibar

Enjoy free time on Zanzibar and transfer to the northern beaches from Stone Town. Relax on the sun kissed beaches of Kendwa, in the northwest part of the island, take an optional diving trip to the rich colourful reefs or grab a snorkel and goggles to explore these from above.

Optional Activities:
Spice Tour USD35
Scuba Diving local USD150
Yacht Trip USD120
Snorkelling Safaris from USD40
Massages from USD20

Unterkunft: Sunset Kendwa

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

12. Tag: Sansibar

Browse markets or enjoy hanging in a hammock with a cocktail and a good book. The beach is a great place to catch up with the locals who will pass by selling their wares, offering henna tattoos and inexpensive massages. Round the day off with a sunset dhow cruise or chilling to the tunes from the nearby beach bars.

Unterkunft: Sunset Kendwa

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

13. Tag: Sansibar - Dar es Salaam

We have the morning to do any last-minute shopping or enjoy one last swim before catching the ferry back to the African mainland and Dar es Salaam and onwards to our campsite on the coast for the evening.

Please note that some group members may be ending their tour in Dar es Salaam. Both old and new are invited to join in any group outings.

Unterkunft: Campingplatz beim Kipepeo Beach Village

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Abendessen

14. Tag: Dar es Salaam - Mikumi Nationalpark Gebiet

Leaving the bustling city and warm coast, we drive inland through the Mikumi National Park where we may, with luck, spot forest elephant or giraffe feeding near the side of the road. Our campsite is located a short stone’s throw from the park and we enjoy sundowners at the local bar/ restaurant followed by the evening around the open fire under the blanket of stars.
If time allows we can go on an optional game drive in the afternoon to explore the magnificent park – Tanzania’s 5th largest. Expect to see Elephant, hippo, crocodiles, antelope and with some luck some buffalo or lion.

Optional Activities:
Mikumi Game Dive USD150

Fahrzeit: ca. 4 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 290 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz bei der Tan-Swiss Lodge

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

15. Tag: Mikumi - Iringa

We continue our journey heading to the town of Iringa and the Kisolanza Farm. At an altitude of 1600m Kisolanza ensures a pleasant fresh climate in one of the most scenic areas in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Home to the Ghaui family for over 70 years, Kisolanza remains a working farm providing organic meat (beef, lamb and chicken) and vegetables to the surrounding markets as well as Dar es Salaam. The farm house is a well known spot to camp and is the overnight near our mid-way point for our journey from the ocean to the Malawi border.

Fahrzeit: ca. 4 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 220 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz bei der Kisolanza Farm

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

16. Tag: Iringa - Chitimba Beach, Malawi

After our last night in Tanzania, we head through lush mountain passes, rich grazing land, and banana and tea plantations to the Songwe border post into Malawi.
Lake Malawi formerly ‘Lake Nyasa’ covers almost a fifth of the country’s area and provides the source of livelihood for many of the Malawi people. Fishermen, fish traders, canoe and net makers all ply their trade, and a common sight is that of a fisherman in his Bwato, (dugout canoe made from hollowed out tree trunk) fishing on the lake at the break of day. The lake also has the highest number of endemic fresh water fish species of any in the world.

NB: Although it is our intention to adhere to the campsites described, a certain amount of flexibility is built into our time in Malawi and the crew may make alterations to the published itinerary. Please therefore treat the Malawi section of the dossier as a guide line only.

Fahrzeit: ca. 11 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 550 km

Unterkunft: Chitimba Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

17. Tag: Chitimba Beach

Relax on the beach, take a leisurely village walk or do the full day trip to Manchewe Falls where after 11km of hiking you can cool off in a natural bath. The surrounding hills are home to the Livingstonia Mission where David Livingstone worked from for a time while staying in Malawi. The views from here are simply magnificent and well worth the effort of hiking to. For those staying at the campsite, there is a local craft market where you can enjoy learning the ins and outs of woodcarving your own souvenir, or learn to play the game of Bao, haggle for some souvenirs or enjoy a relaxing day admiring the shimmering waters on the beach.

Optional Activities:
Livingstonia Day Hike USD10

Unterkunft: Chitimba Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

18. Tag: Kande Beach

Today we take a nice scenic drive through rubber plantations to Mzuzu – the capital of the northern region and the third largest town in Malawi - where we stop for a short while to grab supplies and check out the markets, before arriving to Kande Beach. Try some of the optional water sports typically available, horse riding or else simply relax and enjoy the warm fresh waters of Lake Malawi. There is the opportunity to meet the local people, generally known as some of the friendliest in Africa, to gain insight into their way of life.

Fahrzeit: ca. 5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 240 km

Unterkunft: Kande Beach Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

19. Tag: Kande Beach

Today you’ll have some free time to try some of the water sports available including diving, snorkelling, and horse riding along the beach. Or simply relax and enjoy the warm fresh waters of Lake Malawi. There is the opportunity to meet the local people, by tradition very friendly, on an optional guided Village Walk, or you can simply head out and explore the lakeside, craft market and meet some of the locals.

Optional Activities:
Horse Riding USD55
Village Walk USD10
Snorkelling Day Trip from USD15
Fresh Water Scuba Diving from USD45
Canoe Hire from USD10

Unterkunft: Kande Beach Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

20. Tag: Kande Beach - Chipata, Zambia

Saying our goodbye’s to ‘the Lake’, we head to the border crossing into Zambia to Chipata. Formally named Fort Jamerson, the border town has a population of approx 98,000, and is the capital of Zambia’s Eastern Province. The town has colourful fruit and vegetable markets and an unexpected number of ornate mosques due to its large Indian community. If time allows, we will stop in Chipata before arriving to our campsite situated a short distance from the town centre.

Fahrzeit: ca. 9 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 440 km

Unterkunft: Mama Rula’s Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

21. Tag: Chipata - Lusaka

Today we leave early and take the Great Eastern Road through lush country and small villages, cross the Luangwa River to Lusaka, Zambia’s capital. Lusaka is Southern Africa’s fastest growing city with approx. 1.7m inhabitants. It is located on Zambia’s southern plateau at an elevation of 1300m with four main highways running north, south, east and west to different parts of Africa.
Our campsite for the evening is set in a tranquil and relaxing setting on a farm.

Fahrzeit: ca. 12 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 620 km

Unterkunft: Eureka Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

22. Tag: Lusaka - Livingstone

We head south to Livingstone and set up camp at the Waterfront campsite on the banks of the Zambezi River, just a few kilometres from the Victoria Falls. At various times of year the spray from the ‘Falls’ can be seen from up to 20 or 30 kilometres away, hence the local name Mosi oa Tunya – the ‘Smoke that Thunders’. Don’t forget your raincoat to keep you and your camera dry!
The campsite management provide information on all activities available in the area (typically these include rafting, canoeing, bungee, abseiling, gorge swinging, horse riding, scenic flights, river cruises), allowing you to plan your time accordingly over the next four nights.

NB: For the sake of practicality, meals in Livingstone are restricted to breakfasts. This allows you to take on half day or full day activities (some of which include lunch) without having to be back with the group at mealtimes. The Waterfront camp restaurant overlooks the Zambezi River and offers a good selection of reasonably priced meals and snacks throughout the day (allow USD15-30 per meal). Relax and enjoy these few days at your own leisure. Alternatively, take a taxi or free shuttle into Livingstone and try the local fare.

Fahrzeit: ca. 10 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 520 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz beim Victoria Falls Waterfront

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen

23. Tag: Livingstone, Sambia

We have a free day in Livingstone today to explore the town, pop over to neighbouring Zimbabwe or enjoy the many optional activities on offer such as rafting, bungee jumping, river cruises, flights over the falls, just to name a few.

Optional Activities:
Bungee Jumping USD160
Full Day Abseil USD190
Mosi Oa Tunya National Park Game Walk USD110
Chief Mukumi Village Tour USD50
Gorge Swing USD95
Zambezi Jet Boat and Cable Car from USD215
Half Day Canoe USD115
Zambezi Sunset Cruise USD70
Full Day White-water Rafting USD180
Helicopter/Microlight flights from USD195
Half Day Fishing USD145
Bridge Tour USD65

Unterkunft: Campingplatz beim Victoria Falls Waterfront

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

24. Tag: Livingstone

Today we have a free day to enjoy the many optional activities on offer or spend your day at leisure by the poolside at the Waterfront.

Please note that some group members may be finishing or starting their tour in Livingstone today.

Unterkunft: Campingplatz beim Victoria Falls Waterfront

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

25. Tag: Livingstone

We have a free day in Livingstone today to explore the town. Spend your leisure day in Livingstone exploring the activities, town and markets or simply relax poolside at the Waterfront. The perfect time to catch up on your social media and share your experiences before heading off into the Southern Africa part of your holiday.

Unterkunft: Campingplatz beim Victoria Falls Waterfront

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

26. Tag: Livingstone - Kasane, Botswana

Moving on from Livingstone, we travel a short distance to the Botswana border and on to the town of Kasane - the gateway to Chobe National Park. By size, Chobe is the third largest park in the country and is the most diverse - home to elephant, lion, buffalo, hippo and abundant birdlife, including the famous African fish eagle and open vehicle game drive. We take both a Fish Eagle cruise on the Chobe River and an open vehicle game drive – a great opportunity to see hippo and perhaps elephant or buffalo coming to the river to bathe and drink. The Chobe River is a major watering spot for large breeding herds of elephants, as well as families of giraffe, sable and buffalo. The flood plains are the only place in Botswana where the puku antelope can be seen. Birding is also excellent here. When in flood, spoonbills, ibis, and various species of stork and other waterfowl flock to the area.

Fahrzeit: ca. 1.5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 80 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz bei der Thebe River Lodge

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

27. Tag: Chobe Nationalpark - Elephant Sands, Nata

This morning we head out to explore the Chobe National Park in an open vehicle game drive where we may have the opportunity to spot not only elephant that are so prolific in the park, but also lion and different antelope species. Moving on from Chobe we continue south and may still encounter elephant and buffalo alongside the road. We arrive to our camp in the afternoon. There are no fences and wildlife roams freely. Many groups report seeing elephant and antelope at close proximity from the campsite - a very relaxing way to view wildlife!

Fahrzeit: ca. 5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 270 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz bei der Elephant Sands Lodge

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

28. Tag: Elephant Sands, Nata - Maun

We leave Elephant Sands and make our way to Maun, the gateway to the Okavango Delta. Maun is an eclectic mix of modern buildings and native dwellings. Although officially still a village, Maun has developed rapidly from a rural frontier town to a community that has spread along the wide banks of the Thamalakane River. This is an area where red lechwe antelope can still be seen grazing alongside local donkeys, goats and cattle. Since Maun's founding in 1915 it has had a reputation as a hard-living 'Wild West' town helping the local cattle ranching and hunting operations. Maun today is a thriving tourist town famous for its donkey population and to a lesser extent, goats. These animals can be seen standing around town as they are used by local traders and farmers alike to transport their wares to sell on the curb side.

NB: If time allows, we have the opportunity to take an optional scenic flight over the Delta in the afternoon.

Optional Activities:
Okavango Delta Scenic Flight per 5-seater plane – 45 min flight time from USD650
Maun Horse Riding (2 Hours) USD65

Fahrzeit: ca. 5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 360 km

Unterkunft: Sitatunga Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

29. Tag: Okavango Delta

Leaving the campsite in Maun we begin our excursion into the Okavango Delta in an open 4x4 truck to the mokoro station. Here we will be introduced to the local Tswana Polers who will be our guides for our overnight expedition. We travel by mokoro (dugout canoe) amongst the giant lily pads, tall grasses and labyrinthine channels in search of resident wildlife, making our way to our tented camp. The Okavango is a natural wetland spreading over some 1.6million hectares and offers a perfect habitat for the many species of wildlife that roam here freely. The Okavango River rises in Angola (farther to the north) and flows south, dividing repeatedly after crossing into Botswana to form an intricate floodplain of channels, which spread out into a broad flat inland delta – the only one of its kind in the world. We enjoy the afternoon wilderness experience and overnight listening to the sounds of the African night - an unforgettable experience!

Fahrzeit: ca. 2 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 50 km

Unterkunft: Elephant Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

30. Tag: Okavango Delta - Maun

This morning we take an easy paced mokoro ride out of the Okavango Delta back to the polers’ station from where we will drive back to Maun. We aim to get back to camp around lunch time to allow for the opportunity to enjoy an optional scenic flight over this spectacular UNESCO world heritage site. Alternatively, the afternoon can be spent at leisure at the camp’s pool.

Fahrzeit: ca. 2 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 50 km

Unterkunft: Sitatunga Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

31. Tag: Maun - Omaheke Region

We leave Maun and make our way via Ghanzi, which skirts the Kalahari Desert to the Border of Namibia. Our camp is a short distance from the border in the Omaheke Region of Gobabis. Here, in this midst of this serene beauty we meet the San/Bushman and have a guided bush walk for a cultural experience and insight into these ancient people’s way of life. We learn how they work with nature and manage the renewable resources found in their natural surroundings without damaging the fragile balance of this ecosystem - something we can all learn from. Your support of this ecotourism venture gives the San/Bushman a sustainable income and helps keep their culture alive.

NB: Due to a long travel day and a border crossing into Namibia, the Bushman walk may move to the morning of day 32.

Fahrzeit: ca. 9 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 520 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz bei der Zelda Guest Farm

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

32. Tag: Omaheke Region - Windhoek, Namibia

Situated in a basin between the Khomas Highland, Auas and Eros Mountains, Windhoek (population approx 200,000) is small capital by global standards. The city centre is characterised by a proliferation of German style buildings, a lasting reminder of Namibia's early colonial history. Take the opportunity to enjoy a night out at one of the local restaurants or visit the famous 'Joe’s Beer House'.

Fahrzeit: ca. 4 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 310 km

Unterkunft: Urban Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen

33. Tag: Windhoek - Etosha Nationalpark

We make our way north to Etosha National Park, a vast reserve of over 20,000 sq km surrounding a central salt depression or pan. The pan is seasonally full of water, but specially managed waterholes sustain some 114 mammals and 340 bird species throughout the rest of the year. We spend two nights here, usually making camp near a floodlit waterhole. Observers frequently see a range of night visitors including elephant, giraffe, zebra, even lion and hyena, making it one of the most memorable wildlife encounters in Namibia - a truly African experience and a highlight of any trip to Namibia. We have a short afternoon game drive on entering the park on our way to the camp.

Please note that some group members may starting their tour in Windhoek.

Fahrzeit: ca. 8.5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 420 km

Unterkunft: Okaukuejo / Halali / Namutoni Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

34. Tag: Etosha Nationalpark

Today, we enjoy a full day game driving in this magnificent animal kingdom - taking in the park’s main characteristic, the salt pan. Despite the dry nature of the terrain, the park sustains a wide variety of bird species including the large kori bustard, secretary bird and many other seed & insect eaters, as well as birds of prey.
After a full day game driving we return to camp, or onto the next camp and enjoy our last evening around the floodlit watering holes, observing natural animal behaviour at its best.

Fahrstrecke: ca. 250 km

Unterkunft: Okaukuejo / Halali / Namutoni Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

35. Tag: Etosha Nationalpark - Spitzkoppe

We game drive out of Etosha National Park and turn south making our way to the beautiful Damaraland region where we explore the eerie Spitzkoppe where ancient bushman paintings are still visible. The giant boulder-like rock formations reach a peak at some 1800m above sea level and create a spectacular view. Take your time to explore the area and its delightful calmness. Keep an eye on the ever-changing colour of the rock, especially during sunrise and sunset, when they acquire intense red shades. The most impressive rock painting is “Bushman Paradise” and the natural rock bridge is a favourite viewpoint.

NB: Please take care if climbing onto the rocky outcrops. The surfaces have been smoothed by aeons of sun, wind and blown dust: they can be extremely slippery especially if you are not wearing suitable footwear. The Spitzkoppe Rest camp lies at the base of the mountain and is owned and maintained by the local community to which all proceeds from our visit to Spitzkoppe go.

Fahrzeit: ca. 6 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 420 km

Unterkunft: Spitzkoppe Community Restcamp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

36. Tag: Spitzkoppe - Swakopmund

Departing the granite infused Spitzkoppe, we make our way to the Atlantic coast and to Swakopmund. Swakopmund makes for a refreshing change with cooler Atlantic sea air, a taste of civilization and a swathe of exciting things to do and places to explore. Try some adventure desert-based activities like quad biking, sand boarding, skydiving (weather permitting). For those seeking a quieter life, enjoy the other side of Swakopmund: shops, restaurants, museums, the aquarium, art galleries or simply walk along the promenade admiring the ocean, the quaint German-style architecture and indulge in the town’s café culture.

N.B: For the sake of practicality, meals in Swakopmund are restricted to breakfasts. This allows you to take on half day or full day activities (some of which include lunch) without having to be back for meal times. Swakopmund town offers a variety of bakeries and cafes with a selection of reasonably priced meals (allow ZAR 80-150 per meal). Relax and enjoy these days at your own leisure.

Fahrzeit: ca. 3 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 150 km

Unterkunft: Amanpuri Travellers Lodge

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

37. Tag: Swakopmund

Today is a free day to enjoy all this quaint seaside town has to offer - from the many optional activities to the German patisseries, cafés and restaurants.

Optional Activities:
Sandboarding - Stand Up USD50
Sandboarding - Lay down USD40
Quad Biking USD45
Skydiving USD200
Deep Sea Fishing USD120
Scenic Flights USD360
Swakopmund Township Tour USD40
Dolphin and Seal Cruise USD60
Kayaking USD60

Unterkunft: Amanpuri Travellers Lodge

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

38. Tag: Swakopmund - Sossus on foot Camp

Continuing south, we cross over the Tropic of Capricorn, stopping for a photo opportunity en route to our stunning desert campsite in the Khomas region of Namibia.

Optional Activities:
Desert Experience USD25

Fahrzeit: ca. 4.5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 260 km

Unterkunft: Sossus on Foot Camp

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

39. Tag: Sossus on foot Camp - Sesriem Area

This morning we leave our camp early and enter the National Park to trek to the top of famous Dune 45. It’s a spectacular sight but be warned, it’s not an easy feat to reach the top as some dunes are over 300m high! After a well-earned breakfast we continue deeper into the park for a short shuttle ride and nature walk to ‘Dead Vlei’, amidst the giant sand dunes – a real glimpse of Namibia’s unspoilt natural environment. Bring your camera – the shifting colours of the desert as the sun climbs throughout the mid/late morning offer some brilliant photographic opportunities. Departing from the dunes, we stop off at the smaller Sesriem Canyon where the multiple layers of rock and pebbles make for an interesting insight to what lies beneath the mountains of sand. Thereafter we make our way to our camp for the night.

Fahrzeit: ca. 5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 200 km

Unterkunft: Sossus Oasis Camp Site

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

40. Tag: Sesriem Area - Fish River Canyon

Today we drive south through barren and rocky landscapes, dotted with quiver trees, to the world’s second largest canyon. Fish River Canyon is one of the natural wonders of Africa, some 500m deep and over 160km long. Again, there are plenty of opportunities for keen photographers as we spend time around this area and visit the canyon’s infamous sharp river bend known as ‘Hell’s Corner.

Fahrzeit: ca. 10 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 500 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz beim Canyon Roadhouse

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

41. Tag: Fish River Canyon - Orange (Gariep) River, South Africa

Leaving the mighty Fish River Canyon, we travel south to the Gariep (Orange) river. Our campsite lies on the banks of the river on the Namibia side. On arrival we have the opportunity to partake in an optional canoe safari on the river to see the striking Richtersveld scenery, or simply relax on the water’s edge at camp.

Optional Activities:
Canoe Safari USD40

Fahrzeit: ca. 3.5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 180 km

Unterkunft: Campingplatz Felix Unite

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

42. Tag: Orange (Gariep) River - Cederberg Region

This morning, we cross the border into South Africa and continue south passing through Namaqualand, well known for its prolific display of wildflowers that occur in spring (best seen between August – September). We camp at a picturesque campsite nestled near the Olifants River. Here we have the opportunity to sample some of the beautiful wines of the region.

Optional Activities:
Wine Tasting USD10

Fahrzeit: ca. 8 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 400 km

Unterkunft: Highlanders Campsite

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück, 1x Mittagessen, 1x Abendessen

43. Tag: Cederberg Region - Kapstadt

We leave the scenic Cederberg area and travel south, passing the rich fruit growing area of Citrusdal and the spectacular views as we meander down the Picketberg Pass to the Western Cape Province. We continue to cosmopolitan Cape Town - without a doubt one of the world’s most beautiful cities, where our tour ends. If time allows we recommend you spend a few days exploring the city and surroundings. Take advantage of the variety of activities normally available here.

Fahrzeit: ca. 4.5 Std.
Fahrstrecke: ca. 260 km

Verpflegung: 1x Frühstück

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      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
  • November 2025

    • So, 02.11.2025 - So, 14.12.2025 Termindetails öffnen Freie Plätze 6.965 € 6.339 € -9% zzgl. 1.240 $ (ca. 1.147 €)
      Local Payment
      Termindetails öffnen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
      anfragen buchen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
    • So, 16.11.2025 - So, 28.12.2025 Termindetails öffnen Freie Plätze 6.965 € 6.339 € -9% zzgl. 1.240 $ (ca. 1.147 €)
      Local Payment
      Termindetails öffnen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
      anfragen buchen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
    • So, 30.11.2025 - So, 11.01.2026 Termindetails öffnen Freie Plätze 6.965 € 6.339 € -9% zzgl. 1.240 $ (ca. 1.147 €)
      Local Payment
      Termindetails öffnen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
      anfragen buchen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
  • Dezember 2025

    • So, 14.12.2025 - So, 25.01.2026 Termindetails öffnen Freie Plätze 6.965 € 6.339 € -9% zzgl. 1.240 $ (ca. 1.147 €)
      Local Payment
      Termindetails öffnen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
      anfragen buchen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
    • So, 28.12.2025 - So, 08.02.2026 Termindetails öffnen Freie Plätze 6.965 € 6.339 € -9% zzgl. 1.240 $ (ca. 1.147 €)
      Local Payment
      Termindetails öffnen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin
      anfragen buchen
      2-Personen-Zelt — 6.339 €
      Reiseverlauf zu diesem Termin

Local Payment
Der Gesamtpreis dieser Reise setzt sich aus dem Tourpreis und dem Local Payment zusammen. Den Tourpreis zahlst du vor Abreise an uns, das Local Payment in US-Dollar zu Beginn der Rundreise an den Reiseleiter vor Ort. Auf Wunsch kannst du den Betrag für das Local Payment auch vorab bezahlen. In diesem Fall gilt der genannte "Prepaid" Betrag in Euro.

Das Vortreffen findet am Abend VOR dem Tourbeginn um 18 Uhr im Tourhotel in Nairobi statt. Bitte reisen Sie daher mindestens einen Tag vor Beginn der Tour in Nairobi an. Die Abfahrt in Nairobi ist am Tag 1 um 08:00 Uhr morgens.

Fahrzeug & Ausrüstung
Die Overlandtrucks sind speziell für die Straßenverhältnisse in Afrika entworfen und von robuster Bauart. Die Trucks sind mit großen Fenstern und 24 vorwärts ausgerichteten Sitzen ausgestattet, so dass Sie nichts von der atemberaubenden Landschaft oder den Tieren verpassen. Die Trucks verfügen weiterhin über Tische, Steckdosen zum Anschließen und Aufladen von Laptops, Kameras und MP3-Playern, Gefrierschrank, Wassertank, Bibliothek, Spiele, I-pod Anschluss und private Schließfächer mit 70-Liter Volumen. Die Campingausrüstung umfasst Campingstühle mit Rückenlehne, Campingtische, eine umfangreiche Küchenausstattung sowie große Kuppelzelte und komfortable Schaumstoffmatten.

Diese Overlandtour ist auch in umgekehrter Richtung buchbar:

Über weitere Kombinationsmöglichkeiten informieren unsere Abenteuer-Spezialisten gerne!

Bitte beachte, dass dies eine Kombinationstour ist und sich die Gruppenzusammensetzung oder der Guide ändern können.

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